Samstag, 23. September, 20:00 Uhr

Cosmic Boxer // Konzert

Cosmic Boxer is a solo singer from Birmingham, England with a unique emotive voice and a knack for writing heartfelt earworms. Born in Birmingham in the 80s with Radio 1’s Top 40 in the background and sat as a youth in front of Top of the Pops (with tape recorder at the ready) for Morrissey, Depeche Mode, David Bowie and Suede, Cosmic Boxer is well schooled in catchy melodies and it shows. Singles ‚The Greys‘, ‚Broke As F*ck But Happy‘ and ‚Accomplice‘ are worthy additions to British indie/electro pop and a cut above the norm.

The Greys –
Broke As F–k But Happy –
Accomplice –

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