Freitag, 27. September, ab 18:30 Uhr!

zum Wochenausklang präsentiert euch eure Lieblingsfleischerei nicht nur eine Mischung verschiedener Kustsparten, sondern auch eine Hommage an die eigene Vergangenheit.

Kapitel 1: Die Weisswurstparty //
The Marble Project

The party marks the beginning of an artistic expedition and the followers will get a taste of what lies ahead of us.

We aim to create a laidback atmosphere and ask for all of you to bring your friends.

Picture by Vera Urweider

Kapitel 2: Piano & Dance //
The new Tempelhof

Nicolas Engel & Tyresse Bracy combining piano music and dance art together in the most hypnotizing way with their collaboration called The New Tempelhof. “We are all in search of something. In pursuit of happiness. Running through vacant spaces in hopes of stumbling on a path more so honest to our wordly intentions.”

Showtime: 21:00 ca.

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/// Unsere Öffnungszeiten: Freitags und Samstags ab 20:00 Uhr ///