Samstag, 1. November, 20 Uhr

Concrete, Paper, Scissors,

Sound, Time | Vernissage


Navigating between design and art, Régis Lemberthe & Anna Iwansson develop their own production techniques and create pieces usingoften overlooked materials – concrete, paper pulp, ice or scrap wood.

Underlying their work is a singular sense of poetry, one that allows heavy concrete lamps to seemingly float in mid-air; domestic objects to design themselves; maybe-fossilised items to stand the test of time.

For the sake of honesty, this show will display both finished pieces together and half-finished prototypes, successful works as well as failed ones. Because the process is as interesting as the result, they say, and of the strong aesthetic qualities inherent to aborted projects.

Both artists and designers, Anna and Régis collaborate under the name A&Ré Design on projects of all sorts, from their own prospective pieces to public furniture for major companies. Both French, they have since long moved abroad, and now hail from London for one and Berlin for the other.


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