Freitag, 23. März, 12:00-18:00 Uhr

Web Visual Poetry Workshop

What will we do?

The aim of the workshop is to introduce you to programming. We will cover the basic elements to build an interactive website with p5.js.

With this tool we will be able transform a webpage into our canvas and with few line of code we will make it colorful and interactive.

As inspiration I suggest to take the websites made by Rafël Rozeandaal ( )

here more details about topics that we will cover:

The workshop is free and is limited to 10 people, you have to bring your own laptop.

All the participants are required to install / download the following apps:
1. Visual Studio Code
2. Google Chrome
3. the free version
4. the complete p5.js library

For subscription please send an email to
before March 21st.

Yann Martins is an artist and creative coder. He is currently working as programmer in a research project at the Critical Media Lab in Basel.



/// Unsere Öffnungszeiten: Freitags und Samstags ab 20:00 Uhr ///