Nicolas Melmann | Elektronischer Salon
ES #10
Der letzte vor der Sommerpause: Der Argentinier Nicolas Melmann spielt das Berlin-Konzert seiner Europa-Tour im Gelegenheiten. Er kreiert melodische Soundscapes aus einer Synthese von Analog und Digital, Ton und Bild. Seine Performance wird von Visuals begleitet. Wir freuen uns!
„The project is a dialogue between the present and the past, where technology and the primitive coexist in the same space, where the digital and the analogue converge to create a single language, and where image, music and text are thought of as a single composition. Melmann uses software (Live, Reason), hardware (Drum machine, Kaoss pad synth, loop station) and acoustic instruments (Ukulele, Melodica, Harp, Hang drum) with live processing and to combine these different materials, acoustic, digital and analog, and create different soundscapes. Between melody and noise, the music is minimalist and contemplative, using digital emulations of medieval instruments, Harmonium, Dulcimer, software synths, combined with hardware electronics and acoustic instruments processed in real time, generate this organic and electronic atmospheres.“
Website von Nicolas Melmann // vimeo // bandcamp // facebook event