Freitag, 30. Juli, 20:00 Uhr

Day X / Westerngrund Launch & Reading

We wake up each morning and start another day. However the day is filled, with whatever evolving significance, a day is a complete unit, which helps us understand the passage of time. The Day X series of books takes the frame of a single 24 hour period as its theme and connecting thread. Each project published will have been photographed and the writing conceived in a single day or 24 hour period.

The project combines photography and text on an equal footing. One photographer and one writer work together on each project producing two parallel interpretations of the same or similar experiences. Text and images are presented in parallel, connected, yet independent, weaving in and out of synch.

All 5 projects for this series have taken place or will take place in different parts of Europe between summer 2016 and autumn 2017. Without an overt focus on the current issues facing us in Europe, each project provides a snapshot of the mood prevailing in the various corners of this continent as perceived by our writers and photographers in this momentous time.


Day X / Westerngrund is book 3 in this 5 book series. Author Marie Gamillscheg and photographer Laura Braun, in search of a party, a celebration spent the 25th of March of this year, the 60th birthday of the European Union in the village of Westerngrund, Unterfranken, Germany, – the village currently, – still, – hosting the geographical centre of the European Union.



/// Unsere Öffnungszeiten: Freitags und Samstags ab 20:00 Uhr ///